A cold springtime

Strangely bright sunny days, but the air is so cold. Our magnolia blossoms have turned brown, like a stern warning not to hope too much for better times. And yet I do. Lockdown is slowly crumbling, I’m double-vaccinated, and I’ve had my first outdoor pub lunch with friends. As a family we’ve decided to de-carbonise our home life, which means we now have an electric Mini (which pretends to have a range of 145 miles, but actually gives up around 100 miles), and we’re proceeding with switching from oil home heating to Air Source Heat Pumps. Very costly to do, but once done our heating bill will drop by two-thirds, unless, like the Mini, it turns out that in very cold weather all the predictions are 33% wrong. We shall see. Meanwhile ‘Thirteen Lives’ is in mid-shoot in Australia, and I’m busy with projects that may or may not turn into actual productions, my head buzzing with facts about slavery in Barbados, and how vaccines are made, and Syria’s tragic recent years. I’m at that stage in my life, or career, where I take on projects as much to learn about something new, as to pay the bills.


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'Thirteen Lives' starts shooting