‘Thirteen Lives’ release

‘Thirteen Lives’ is released this July, and now that MGM has been bought by Amazon, it will be mostly promoted for streaming on Amazon Prime. It will be available there from August 5. It seems a very long time since I worked on the screenplay, but I’m very happy with the finished result, and grateful to Ron Howard for his directorial mastery of such a complex story. It’s been a grief-free journey all the way for me, which is not usually the way.

Apart from that we’re at the late stages of finalising the screenplay for ‘True Believers’, the story of Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Tureci, the Turkish-German scientists who created the first Covid vaccine (known as Pfizer, but actually created by their company, Biontech). And I’m working on a film version of Horatio Clare’s non-fiction account of his breakdown, to be called ‘A Little Madness’.


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‘Thirteen Lives’ release